The APIN groupwas incorporated to bridge the gap of clients and professional coaches. People who are serious about getting ahead want to know all the mechanics of the different investment strategies. People in the 21 st century require superior knowledge and financial education in order to acquire future wealth and happiness.

Mr Philip Sigglekow of the Australian Property Investors Network experience and knowledge includes over and more than 17 years experience in tourism developments, golf courses, subdivisions, dealing with councils, rezoning applications, building and construction of townhouses, houses and duplexes. The author or three books and another two in the final stages, has positioned Philip as a valuable alliance partner group and public speaker.

APIN is based in Sydney with experienced and reliable representatives in the Gold Coast Queensland, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC and Perth Western Australia.

APIN is in the business of providing people with education and self empowerment. Knowledge is the key to success and APIN is committed to improving the awareness of and opportunities for improved financial literacy all those interested in accomplishing financial rewards and personal fulfilment in life. Wether you are starting out or are a professional investor, being a part of this network will give you the valuable tools to take your financial future to a whole new level.

Change doesn't come about if change isn't applied

Change is what it will take. Changes in long-held beliefs of what it takes to be 'successful' in business and in life and changes in how we evaluate the "advice" of those we've been conditioned to 'trust.' Changes in how we think, in how we choose, in how we evaluate opportunities. Quite simply, if you don't change your life will remain the same.

Life-changing rewards

If this seems uncomfortable, change often is. Change is seldom easy. We all know the grains of truth in the old proverb:

If nothing changes, nothing changes

and generally it is because of fear or a lack of information that prevents ordinary people becoming extra ordinary.

Your APIN Journey

You'll be among friends on your Journey with APIN, kindred spirits who share your passion for knowledge and your goals for the future. The APIN community is a diverse and empowered global network of families and individuals committed to a better life. At the very least, the heightened financial literacy supported in the APIN messages can help individuals make better choices in how they earn and spend money; At its best it will elevate individuals to levels of financial independence that they had only imagined.

The Spirit of APIN

Generosity is key to the APIN philosophy: we get rich by being generous. Believing that we can become free from financial fears and worries awakens us to the roles all of us can play in supporting organizations and programs within our communities whose work betters our world.

Many of our parents went through immense hardship but that doesn't mean we have to endure the same pain. It is the right of every individual to be rich and happy and not just the privileged few. Even if being rich means owing our own home, no credit debt and providing the best for our families is better than the alternative of a life of struggle and no hope.